

This is the cutest thing oh my god

For anyone wondering about the ketchup, back in the original Kanto series (go watch it, know your roots), there was an episode where Pikachu develops a liking for eating ketchup out of the bottle when Ash and co. stop into a restaurant, going so far as to cry when a ketchup bottle he’s holding gets cut by a Scyther. The ketchup’s even plot relevant to an extent, believe it or not.

Pikachu’s ketchup habit doesn’t show up again until Advanced Generation, 234 episodes later, and then again in XY, 454 episodes later.

(via doshbones)

“ Educational Complex, by Mike Kelley, is a compilation of architectural models that represent all the schools Kelley studied in, from his one-room kindergarten to his graduate art schools. He built each model from memory, and...


Educational Complex, by Mike Kelley, is a compilation of architectural models that represent all the schools Kelley studied in, from his one-room kindergarten to his graduate art schools. He built each model from memory, and left forgotten spaces blank. (at Whitney Museum of American Art)

‘… and left forgotten spaces blank.’